“Give meaning to each day”


We are passionate about Economics. By sharing our knowledge and resources, we believe time can become your ally, whether in your career or in your personal activities. Our ultimate purpose is to help you accomplish your life goals. Drawing from our experience, we are convinced that time management is particularly relevant for women who are torn between their professional aspirations and their role within their family.


This has led us to develop a specific one-month training programme for women, comprising weekly three-hour sessions adapted to groups of 12 participants. This training aims to identify your priorities and help you structure your daily economic life. Whatever your financial situation or the stage you are at in your life, knowing how to plan your projects and your finances is a crucial step to achieving professional success and happiness at home. YT-FO has developed a method enabling everyone, regardless of their current family and economic situation, to organise and structure themselves in an optimal way.

We also offer personal consultations by appointment.