“We are not born winners, we are not born losers, we are born masters of our choices”

Property Management

You have invested in Israel and built up a property portfolio that should provide you with an income. YT-FO is the ideal solution you need to relieve yourself from all the tasks associated with this investment. By combining our expertise with that of our partner experts, we are ready to take charge of the complete management of your property. This includes the legal and fiscal aspects as well as the building-related risks associated with any rental.
We aim to be the essential link between you, your tenants, and the professionals potentially called in to intervene.

Key Down
Peace of Mind

On a legal and fiscal level

We are able to offer you properties that are entrusted to us by our clients. Our legal department can draw up your purchase and sale contracts as well as your lease agreements, offering you optimal solutions that match your expectations perfectly. Not only can we help you select your tenants, but we are also ready to assist you in defending your interests amicably or in court if necessary (unpaid rent, damage, etc.).

At the building level

Thanks to our privileged partnership with specialists, we are ready to intervene in the event of a problem arising during maintenance. Whether you are planning to conduct small-scale construction works for private purposes or a more extensive project as part of joint ownership, you can rely on our knowledge of the market, both in terms of reliable companies and prices. Entrust your management to YT-FO to enjoy your property confidently and benefit from the assistance of efficient professionals at your service.