Who is the wise man? One who sees what will be born

Talmud, Tamid, 32a

Yaëlle Tangy- Family Office

Yaelle Tangy-Family Office, like every wealth advisory and auditing firm, is committed to offering its clients the highest standards with the help of talented partners. Headed by Yaelle Tangy, YT-FO is uniquely positioned to meet the specific challenges of its clients. Building on her education, experience, and insights in collaboration with the best operators in the market, she has sought to pursue her ambitions by setting up her own company. This achievement stems from her longstanding and close working relationship with prestigious business families for over 15 years.

Expert advice

As a consultant, Yaelle Tangy carried out demanding corporate projects aimed at helping executives become more effective leaders through developing superior management and communication skills. Combining professional and personal experience with consulting expertise, YT-FO helps companies and individuals remain proactive in the face of challenging organisational transitions. Through a variety of engaging methods, YT-FO helps its clients solve business challenges that affect the company by integrating family aspects that may be part of the problem.

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Excellence in Listening


YT-FO will guide you towards the best solutions that the market has to offer. To this end, we strive to put all our capacities, our professionalism, and our know-how at your disposal. Thanks to our longstanding involvement in the market for over 15 years and our careful selection of our expert partners, we are ready to successfully guide our clients towards the most suitable solutions.

Through our services, we aim to guide your decisions in a climate of growth, the emphasis being on moving onwards and upwards. In the age of globalisation, each field of expertise offers countless possibilities. Today, only seasoned experts can provide you with a global view of the market, and successfully guide you in your choices. YT-FO operates in an open framework. Our interest is to serve yours.

Our operational knowledge will help you achieve the results you are aiming for.

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