“Wisdom is better than strength”

Asset Transfert

Owning an estate means knowing how to manage it and bequeath it. The decision to pass on an estate that is the fruit of a lifetime of labour and wise management must be considered carefully. YT-FO provides answers to the new questions that arise and assists in taking the best decisions.

How should I pass on my assets?
                                      When is the right time to do so?

Should you not take all the right precautions beforehand, your heirs may find themselves in untenable situations, leading them to consider lengthy and costly legal proceedings in a family climate that may deteriorate over time. All of this can be avoided by relying on the advice of trusted professionals. They will conduct an in-depth analysis of the estate’s situation, considering the relevant tax and legal aspects, as well as their clients’ sensibility and personal choices. Because it has far-reaching consequences in a person’s life, this essential stage must be well-prepared. Its relevance will guarantee the tranquillity of all. Please schedule a meeting with our specialists. They will gladly assist you in this delicate process. Our mission? Your peace of mind.